
Sunday, September 6, 2020

DFI 5 Collaborate


                                                    DFI-5 Collaborate 

                      We'll Work Hard Every Day

We'll work hard today, we'll listen and learn and have a great, great, great, attitude.

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

    Making the learning visible

A big day for Collaborate!

Collaborate (verb) Work jointly on an activity or project. The action of working with someone to produce something.
Collaborate - mahi ngatahi

A big emphasis on the learning today ,was how we could, and should, work together to make the learning visible.  Visible in such ways that enables connections between students, school, whanau, communities, our nation and the wider world.  The importance of this visibility is becoming more the norm.  What we need as educators to embrace. Given the role of technology and new teaching methods being sought in light of a changing educational landscape, visibility in teaching is very important especially in a time of need. We nee to accommodate and adapt in changing and challenging times.  The learning journey should be open and supportive.  Or simply put, "Can you see it or can you not?"

Collaborative teaching can be enhanced through online teaching.  It offers choice, engagement, rich conversations and has the opportunities to be more visible and inclusive for a wider audience.  By using Google sites as teaching tools the tasks and learning can be enhanced and adapted to the needs and interests of the students therefore making the learning relationship stable and supported.  We looked at Multimodal sites as an example. For gaining student interest, catering to students needs and keeping the content fresh and relevant, this type of learning lays in resources.  Resources that are functional, layered, supportive, multimedia and varietal.  Teachers listen to student voice and gather an array of resources that not only go wide but also deep.  So collaborate together melding many sources, making the learning visible in order to produce something.

I enjoyed the Deep Dive on Multi Modal.  The presentation was organised and interesting.  The Create Learn and Share aspect was very clear in this section.  It kind of reminds me of the 'old' days of Topic boxes depending on what was being studied that term!  An array of books and videos sought from the National library  to complement what the school had tucked away as well as dusting off  Social Studies posters and using the activities printed on the back.  We have come a long way!

The way forward for me is to take the bits I'm being presented with and if they are a good fit with my learners and of use then absolutely.  I did have a look at the sites mentioned and saw the way in which Multi Modal was used.  I did not do a great deal on the data and spreadsheet aspect of the Collaborate DFI.  We have this done for us through the school system and apart from reporting on the already collated data this does not help at this stage with 'visible' learning for me.

As the sessions progress so does my understanding of what Manaiakalani is trying to achieve and how this is all sequentially planned out.  I commented earlier on the hushed tones and almost reverential way everything is presented....the passion for the cause is evident and visible!

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