All about gizmos and lights, action, and clever wizardry that students engage in. So off we go.
I thought the DFI You Tube component was particularly useful. You Tube is an awesome playground. There is such an eclectic amount of engaging content available, it's mind blowing. The playlist is a definite tool that is functional and will be an asset with my class. I use Spotify on my phone for personal tracks but it doesn't have the range of uses compared to You Tube. I have had fun compiling a playlist of to embed!
Plain and Tall
Im going to have to check this out further as I'm not sure where I went wrong. The beauty of rewindable's.
Hapara is a tool that although used daily is underutilised in my class. I need to explore the site and the functions in more depth to be able to fully incorporate my students work and learning. I get confused on the 'pathways' to and from students work and the 'sites' they use to store or showcase work...Google docs, Hapara, Blogs, books...all becomes a tad messy for me, BUT I'm sure with some guidance it'll sort itself out. I do find the message and pause buttons effective. And of course what they are up to!
If nothing else was learnt from this session it was this that stayed,
"Give the pupils something to do"
I found the brief discussion on SISOMO - sight, sound and motion informative and it makes some things clearer in regards to capturing and engaging the students on a level that excites and motivates them.
I have had several sessions with Google Draw but need to use more regularly to get the full benefits. Always something else to add the the 'basket'. Google Slides are what we use ....a lot! During lockdown they were a godsend. I have learnt a lot about creating great learning slides in all subject areas and also expecting students to use for their projects and presentations. I love embedding links of work in them. Probably a slight overkill but what the heck. My class are doing their pepehas with animation in slides. Can't wait to see.
It was at this point that some connectivity issues arose. Again. So I will leave it here
"We can't rewind we've gone to far".
Rhonda I loved if there was nothing else I got from this session it was “Creativity empowers learning message. The hapara piece of the session you referenced as being underutilised in your class makes me think of what is the place of Hapara.I am enjoying the creativity and reflection on place you are bringing to your DFI posts.